Meditation is a part of the concept of mindfulness. Being present and moving from reaction to reflection.
People have trouble meditating because we are so programmed to structure our thinking through various routines, it is difficult to try something unstructured which feels empty.
For e.g, if your day is filled with activities it makes you feel you have achieved something – jobs are ticked and done. In this case, meditation becomes another activity to be ticked. What it ought to be is a timelessness-a space where you don’t realise how much time has passed and that you actually did tick a box !
Our minds are hardworking spaces- constantly taking in and processing stimuli from the environment. Meditation is the only way you can rest it, besides sleep of course. Even in sleep, the mind processes difficult emotions which can result in dreams. These dreams when interpreted, can create a way of living which is very satisfying.
Meditation is an unstructured space. An unstructured space is prone to get cluttered up – a bit like the garden shed. Unwanted thoughts, judgments, musings…..these create anxiety and the person finds meditating difficult. If you find yourself forcing a calmness, it is counterproductive. You ought not to be forcing a calm.